Friday, 31 August 2012

Horse and Angelite Dreaming/Healing

For this beautiful friday I thought I would do a little combination as it actually came to me during a Shamanic Journey. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!

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HORSE gallops into our life to show us our own personal power. Many cultures utilised the natural trust, strength and companionship of the horse to cross boundaries and explore this wonderful world. Any image, thought, video or oracle card that you may have experienced in relation to a horse represents a spiritual journey, the quest for knowledge, experience and change. Our personal power, the one we each have, lies within and sometimes the only thing we need do is take that first step. Have faith in yourself, do not listen to the negative nips of others at your heels and strive forward in the motion of the horse. We all have something to give, never forget that!

Image source:

ANGELITE is a beautiful crystal used for opening communication (throat chakra), enabling us to grow that confidence to speak our minds and say what is needed. It is also beneficial in connecting to our guides, increasing our spiritual perception. It's the perfect gentle crystal for healing layouts, balancing (much like the aquamarine) and bringing us back into contact with our inner self. This crystal loves the energy of the moon so place it outside when the full moon illuminates the skies above. 

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Spider Dreaming

Hello beautiful people! It's been a while so here is a little affirmation from a friend that lives on most continents of the world...

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SPIDER is the universal 'weaver of dreams'. Like our little Australian Orb Spider above, Spider weaves itself into our lives to remind us that we are the makers of our own web. When someone stomps through our web with anger, mistrust or negativity, it is up to us to get back out there on the fine threads of life and begin work again. The holes/damage will vary in size, sometimes we do get hurt in the process and the time it takes to patch the hole up can be lengthy. On the other hand, sometimes the repair work is simply not worth the effort, especially if the hole keeps appearing in the same place of our lives. If this happens, Spider encourages you to move to a new, bright sunny spot and begin again. You have the power and threads of knowledge to create whatever your dreams are. Spider is here to remind you that you and your life are the manifestations of your own dream. You are only limited by yourself!

Much love to all!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Aquamarine Crystal

Image source:


Our feature crystal today is one very close to my heart, as they all are I guess! Among its many attributes, it is my birthstone. It has taken me many years to warm to this dazzling crystal but I have worked with it more and got used to the feeling or vibration much more. This is a stone that cries water when you touch it! Everything to do with the properties of healing, balance, peace, creating steady flow, improving immune system and balancing many of our organs that function with food processing or digesting. It's a sensitive crystal with a soft hum, transporting us into an emotional state of complete ease. Pacifies tempers, regulates heated arguments and will cry out to the very generous souls out there until they buy a piece or wear it! If you have a friend or partner who loves this stone, make sure you have a preferably raw piece (as featured above) around the house in the place of their respite like a study, lounge room or sunroom. Don't keep in direct sun though! Just looking at this crystal makes me smile.

Love, light and laughter to all!! xx

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

SunRay Update

Just a little update on what's been going on! I have recently started a new writing piece which is looking at the various healing modalities and where our desire to transgress reality gets a little sticky with individual perceptions. This is of course a very brief summary but i'll get this blog posted with updates!

I have also discovered the perfect little crystal circle where I can peacefully and intuitively channel Angels for Soul Guidance. Works beautifully! Includes mookite, selenite, quartz, rose quartz and amethyst. My email is as always if you are interested!

What a gorgeous day it was today! Blessings xox

Friday, 17 August 2012

Mini Reading

Mini reading ~

Before I start I'll be honest and say that I don't work with astrology as yet, I'm fasciated, follow it (get the general gist) and know much of it has huge resonance on our lives. - This last bit I understand to be very true as I channel various Angels who confirm this.

At this time, especially down here in AEDT (Eastern Australia) time, we are in new moon time. There has been a HUGE amount of stress, anxiety and insecurity as we approach this phase. Now is the perfect time to manifest new dreams, pursue the old discarded ones, develop our creative side, love, relationship and feminine sides. What is really important to remember, is to realise that there are bigger things working out in the cosmos than yourself and everybody is in the same position of feeling agitated with life. There are processes that effect us and make us feel less stable and insecure about what lies ahead. This doesn't allow us to take the easy road and let life float past because we're in a time of rapid spiritual growth, causing us to question everything. Having knowledge of this should make us realise that we are the ones who have the ability to change with what situation arises. Don't hope for a better circumstance, embrace the difficult one you're in and if it isn't working for you, create a new one! This applies as much to emotions as it does the physical. If the emotion is ruling you, ask it to leave and focus on shades of healing pink and purple. Place an amethyst under your pillow for peaceful sleep.

Off down south for a bit of a cleanse.

Love, light and laughter to all! xo

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Selenite Crystal

Photo source:

Today's crystal highlight ~

SELENITE is a gorgeous form of gypsum. It's used to create lamps, tea-candle holders, wands and of course jewellery amongst many uses. The qualities of selenite have long been recognised by healers, collectors and enthusiasts alike but I think it's a good time to start incorporating this stone into the mainstream. It's beautiful to have around and has such an uplifting and transformational energy! It's said to stabilise the 4 body system: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Questions of the Spirit

No mini reading today but what I would absolutely love to share with you is the basics of spiritual learning and manifestation. There are certain words (practices and concepts in entirety) that have always, and no doubt will continue, to divide opinions. Some of these include holistic, alternative therapy, spirituality, ascension, healing, energy, voodooism, regression, shamanism, psychic and the list could simply go on forever. Many such words are included in my practise and I have no intention of explaining or justifying ALL of them at this moment in time. (Of course I will go into depth if anyone specifically wishes in a certain aspect and shed whatever light I can.)

However, what I have come to realise is there is a huge amount of hostility and fear surrounding the very idea of spirituality and the concern over little if any scientific evidence to back holistic healing benefits. 

First and foremost, you have the decision and only you have the ability to try something different. Do not place the blame on others because either they or the people around them have made decisions that have not worked out well or do not match your ideas or expectations of them. No one should ever be forced because our greatest power comes from within. 

Secondly, like any industry, there are those who wish nothing more than to make money or even do potential harm to others. This requires your gut feeling and whether or not you feel comfortable. At any point during any therapy, session and treatment (just like medical) you should always express your concerns and cease to continue. As 'holistic' and 'alternative' suggest they have different focus areas than traditional medicine and should ALWAYS be utilised with the care of someone you feel okay with and should not be recommended to you as a replacement for traditional medicine. Be wary of any who specifically ask you to reject your medications, specialists or doctors. In an ideal world medicine and holistic therapy coexist well. 

Thirdly, there is no right or wrong good/bad therapy or treatment (ie Naturopathy, Reiki, Aromatherapy). You simply need to do what feels right and helps YOU. The world is big enough for many different therapies (both conventional and otherwise) and those who are out to convert everyone to one specifically is not focused on truly helping others. I believe in and love what I do but I love and respect everyone for what they do best. The variations and options are what make our world so beautiful and amazing! 

We are here to explore, grow and enjoy all the diverse parts of life so go out there and surf the rainbow!

Love, light and laughter to all


Sunday, 12 August 2012

Mini Reading

Mini reading ~

We all feel like we need acceptance from those around us but we forget that the most important person we need to confide in, be embraced by and loved by is ourselves. Today is about forgiving yourself and embracing your truer self, every little aspect that you don't necessarily like. There are a million shades of every colour and that makes each of us variations of the rainbow. We are who we are and that's perfectly okay!

Love, light and laughter xo

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Mini Reading

Today is about being easy on yourself. When we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed or being used, especially in the wide-world web, sit back and take notice but in the end we own ourselves and we make our own choices. Everything will be okay. We all make mistakes and in the end, we are here to learn and grow no matter what we are thrown. Go out and enjoy some sun if you can!

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Mini Reading

Today's mini reading:

Become the person you dream of being. Today is a new day, a fresh start to create or begin something new! Be the guardian of your own destiny because what you see yourself becoming is possible!! Leave the yucky stuff behind and walk down a different path from work today. Miracles are all around and it's up to you to begin to notice them. They may not look the way you want or expect them to but they are there nonetheless. You open the door to such beautiful things when you simply allow everything to be and take their appropriate course of action, having faith that there is always a reason and greater picture to be seen. You can't always have what you want and life is not always ours to dictate but there is beauty, hope and miracles behind every corner. You just have to open your mind and your heart to the possibilities!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Mini Reading

Mini reading ~

Today the message was very loud and clear.

You need to address what is lacking in your life. This is the time to realise that we all have good and bad aspects of ourselves and don't get angry at yourself for these perceived weaknesses. We are in constant growth and the goal is not the destination, let things flow today and let any irritating circumstances or people just wash over you and keep flowing. Forgive yourself for your apparent 'lacking' aspects and embrace this day as a chance to realise you are more than aspects of light and dark. You will find that inner peace when you love both sides equally. Remember that you are perfect as you are.


My Tarot Deck

This is one of several card decks that I use in my Intuitive Readings. This one is particularly special as I lovingly designed, created and nurtured this deck into existence. There is only one complete set like this  with me!

Lao Tzu Quote of the Month

"The world is sacred. It can't be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it." ~ Lao Tzu

Monday, 6 August 2012

Mini Reading

Mini collective reading for today:

Don't forget to embrace your passionate side. No matter how stressed or complicated the week has been so far, set aside time for the things that ignite that little fire in your belly. To balance out your passion, remember to meditate close to nature or engulfed in this gorgeous sun. Take some time out of the fast pace of life to love, dance and celebrate all that you are!

Blessings xo

Welcome and Facebook link

Welcome to SunRay Sanctuary! I'm just getting this blog up and running. Here's a link to my established facebook page which you can view whether you have fb or not!

