Sunday, 18 November 2012

Wallaby Dreaming

Image source:

This unique Australian mammal carries not only its beautiful baby joey in its pouch at the front but a deep sense of moving forward. Recently I have been looking for guidance in relation to speaking my truth and being able to be heard. I curiously thought that the best animal for this task would be the Wombat - stubborn and aggressive without being rude. I was surprised to find that Wallaby was the best to combat the task I had set. And yet I am not surprised. Wallabies hop into our lives to show us progression, adaptability and sure-footedness. Many of our wallabies live in very difficult, hilly and rocky terrain. Like the well-known Kangaroo's, they cannot walk or hop backwards - its physically impossible. So they always look ahead and move forward. Dwelling on the past is the most likely cause for Wallaby to hop across your dreaming. A stagnant belief that you are simply not good enough, your knowledge is not as complete or substantial as someone else's, your opinions don't count, your decisions are silly and people don't care about what you say or who you are. These are all common issues that Wallaby seems to bring to the surface. If you want to delve into this dark inner space to see where the issues are stemming from and what you can learn about yourself, you can trying holding wallaby in your minds eye (third chakra eye) before you meditate, listen to shamanic rattling/drumming or at night before you drift into sleep. It's a wonderful animal to dream with - filled with comforting thoughts and the end knowledge that you are just as valid in your beliefs and knowledge as the next person! Remember to love yourself, the planet and others without condition - just watch the abundance that flows your way!

Speak up and have your voice heard!

Blessings xoxox

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Dragonfly Dreaming

Hey everyone, sorry I've been so quiet lately, it's been hectic!!!

The most recent animal dreaming that has been brought into my awareness is that of the Dragonfly. Several keep flitting right in front of my face, one giant one flew in front of me recently and smacked right into a clear cover before recovering and flying off - a definite give away. 

The magnificent Dragonfly is a truly miraculous little creature. They represent the true emergence of yourself. If dragonflies dart across your path, you are undoubtedly in a time of change. Be it a career, relationship or physical change the dragonfly is there to assist with the metamorphosis. Most of their lives are spent as nymphs or baby dragonflies before they eventually spread their wings and fly. We all will spend most of our lives searching for the answers, the comfortable balance and our place within the world. Dragonfly is always are good omen that things are changing, not to be afraid and truly embrace the new image you discover. Sometimes as adults we place all sorts of conditions of the 'normal' and what is 'expected' of ourselves. The Dragonfly asks us to question these - what are we hiding behind, what are we truly afraid of? The hardest idea that we come across is knowing that in everything we seek, it always came from within. The journey and answers are not outside of ourselves, they are within. It's a matter of dropping the idea of 'normalcy' and simply listening to what your body is telling you. You'd be amazed and how much you will learn!
