Sunday, 24 February 2013

Moonlight Madness

Just thought I would share this little positive affirmation I created. That's a scarf that I knitted as well! Don't forget to sing, dance, laugh and smile your way through every situation. The world doesn't need more hate - there's plenty as it is and hate doesn't conquer hate. Fear and intolerance can do horrible things to otherwise rational creatures. If you are frustrated at someone, instead of sending death stares and anger - try sending love and forgiveness (not by actions, just thoughts) - you'll be amazed at the transformation in you, them and the space you occupy.

Love and blessings,

Snake Dreaming

This stunning Diamond Python slithered onto my fence a few weeks ago now. We all know by now that this is year of the Snake. It is time to really shed the old and step into the new. Shedding old baggage can be difficult. The reward is great and incredible when you get there but the climb can seem endless. Snakes will travel all over the place to rid themselves of their old skin - it gets itchy, stuck and irritating. All features that will show themselves and make this year harder for some. The easiest method is to simply let go of expectation - you need to slide along like the snake and things flow around you. It will make the shedding easier if you don't fight it whole the way.

Snake offers us wisdom and knowledge of rebirth, transformation and duality, the ability to intuitively embrace cycles, aspects of self reflection, regeneration, healing and infinite balance.

The key to any growth or revelation is to understand that we are in perfect unison for that moment if our life. Don't try and race towards the finish. If we strive towards goals and manifestations we actually set ourselves up to fail. The journey includes all the wrong turns, pain and suffering - else we look back and see nothing because we have come from no where. The trials of Snake reveal who we are. Just listen. Sit and listen to nature and instead of shutting out that first thought as 'silly' or your mind playing tricks (don't doubt) - how about running with it and asking that thought more questions. You may be surprised at what answers you get!

King Parrot Dreaming (just a snippet)

I wrote this shortly after having this photo taken with this beautiful boy but didn't realise it was my Shamanic spirit tuning in to what he was saying.

"Australian King Parrot's are gorgeous creatures who teach us about compassion, smart decision making, loyalty, romance, finding your inner passion, divine timing, need to observe before act and a certain element of the beauty in life that comes from revealing your true colours with humility."

Current Watercolour Artworks!

I've been doing some painting lately and having an absolute blast - these are all semi finished. The wolf is my spirit guide, I am very proud to be able to commit him to paper!

This handsome man is Eirik - my wolf guide. Love him to pieces and would be lost without his steady guidance xx

This is a gorgeous friends guide - a very particular and feisty Jaguar. 

And this gentle giant is also a friends animal guide - a nurturing and soulful Humpback Whale. 

Time out!

Hi there everyone!

I am sorry for being quiet - likely something I will always do as I crave nature and writing, painting etcetera. Sometimes sitting at the computer gets tedious. But I do love writing, there's plenty coming your way today!

I have some mineral, animal, artwork and some excerpts of writing to share with you all! Stay tuned as I get to work!

Love and blessings,

Saturday, 2 February 2013

The Shamanic Journey - Power Animal Dreaming

Shamans will traverse the 3 inner realms of the Lower, Middle and Upper worlds. Sounds like rattling or drumming help people to descend into these inner worlds where you can meet different guides and spirits. This is often where you confront the darkest, most hidden parts of yourself. It can be a scary thing to see and have to deal with all that stuff you neatly stashed away in the corner. The things you usually refuse to acknowledge, let alone mention. Some of what you encounter in these journeys can sound bizarre but I'm willing to share :)

Developing a personal shamanic practice for me is about embracing and listening to everything in the natural world - as it is, not how we want to see it or how we need it to be.

During a beautiful journey last night (after some fun drumming dedicated to the spirits), I encountered my normal power animals but my wolf had some business he needed me to attend to. Had no idea where we were going until we encountered a massive black wolf - he is the elder and the leader of all leaders. Can't describe exactly how intimidated I felt but he has a calmness to him as well. We sat and chatted - or her told me certain rules that I must follow anyway. The pack and dog energy requires a certain set of principals I guess you'd call them and I currently do a fare bit of dog reiki and communication for which I was asking guidance on. I've actually dreamt of this massive black wolf before in some rather odd dreams with me also as a wolf, it all makes a lot of sense now! My boy is the link between me and this great spirit. There's a fare bit more to add but I won't bore/scare you all! Happy to chat more if anyone feels like it :)

Oh and I now have names as well! My wolf is called Eirik and my tawny frogmouth (owl relation) is called Faith. Very appropriate!

Blessings to everyone xxx