Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tigress Dreaming

Tigers are renowned for representing sensuality, passion, darkness (night), devotion, confidence, courage, independence, healing, patience, being in the now and the new moon. She often symbolises the lower chakras, predominantly – solar, sacral and base/root. They can have a motherly, protective energy or can alternatively be quite aloof and cheeky. It depends on the individual. They make for very potent and intense Power Animals. 

I have not included the gorgeous mythical white tiger on principle. They aren't a sub-species and have been inter-bred in certain countries far too much for their rarity and uniqueness. They are indeed a result of irregular genes and as such should not be bred with each other. It causes horrendous mutations, dis-ease and health problems. The irregular genes should be left to appear whenever nature intends - not some human breeder or organisation aiming to 'boost' numbers. It is a natural process and I hate seeing it exploited for profits. This of course goes for all creatures who are born of this irregular colouring to their species. I agree that in the wild they may not survive but that does not give humans the permission to start breeding weaker genes with weaker genes - it will only cause pain and suffering as the gene pool gets lessened (as has already happened but not reported). It's absolute nonsense. 

Keep these amazing creatures in their pure form, not bred for irregularities as some sort of spectacle. Each individual is unique and beautiful in their own right. I really do wish humans would butt their heads out of natural processes. I admit that these animals need our protection and help as a result of deforestation, I just sorely wish that it was in the form of a giant national park where nature could still thrive. Nature is intelligent, adaptive and resourceful - if only we gave it a chance. 


Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Metaphysical properties of Citrine/Amethyst/Natural Citrine ~ one of the same

This is my own little Citrine cave bought at the glorious Crystal Castle in Mullumbimby, near Byron Bay on the north-east coast of NSW.

Citrine is a beautiful yellow/gold crystal that helps with manifestation, abundance, optimism, increasing energy flow and positive outlooks to difficult situations. Most citrine quartz on the market today are actually heat treated. I mention this because they are mostly amethyst quartz before they are heated and become the citrine sold like this one above. Both have very different qualities. Natural citrine - which resembles more closer to smokey quartz is an excellent cleanser, manifesting mineral, great for purification, getting through difficult situations, stamina and also maintaining business direction, focus and productivity. They are more difficult and rare to come by. I do have a small piece myself which I will post a photo of later in the week.

Amethyst in its natural uncoloured or heated form is excellent for emotional stability/alignment, gentle healing, meditation, developing intuition and opening the third eye chakra. It is wonderfully soft and nurturing - an excellent crystal for beginners, those who are more grounded and sceptical. 

SunRay Ethos

Beautiful photo I snapped down a local track in the exquisite Australian bushland. It features the famous 'scribbly gumtree' (Eucalyptus haemastoma) and the spikes of the 'grass tree' (Xanthorrhoea) taken at sunset through a hallow made by fire.  

Embrace The WHOLE You!

I know I have been neglecting this blog for a couple of months now and I am terribly sorry! I have been in California/Arizona and briefly Nevada for a month visiting a good friend of mine who moved out there over 6 months ago now. That itself was over a month ago; I have made a ritual deer-skin drum from start to finish in that time, I am also currently doing consultations wednesday mornings at a Pilates Studio in Hornsby, Sydney, NSW, Australia (contact me for details or visit my NEW website!!). Plenty of various tid pits to share with you all. I have an official website now which you can easily access on the side navigation panel, above the link to my Facebook page - which has now been slowed down to make way for more practical current pursuits. I am studying my MA in Writing so I will be focusing my energy towards that end in about a week when classes resume. I love keeping the mind active! I have also completed my Practitioner Certificate in the wonderful healing energy of Seichim Reiki, centred around Sekhmet, a mighty Egyptian Goddess. 

Below is an article featured on my website about embracing the good, the bad, the dark and the light sides of who you really are instead of running for the hills in denial. Focusing on one more than the other isn't healthy or constructive. Balance is the key and it something that we will always be negotiating - we certainly aren't perfect!

"Eventually we turn a corner; standing at the crossroads, we look back upon our path. We do this at least once along our merry way, standing there upon that precipice – looking out into the valley, across our winding path that led us to this summit: this place of contemplation.

As we look behind, sometimes our path looks shrouded in mist and memory, these memories sit out from the landscape like little rocky outcrops or a herd of grazing deer. In others it looks so very far away but completely clear like the golden rock of a mountainside. Our biggest step in life can be that little leap of faith. Knowing when to turn the corner, when to look back and when to look forward.

Sometimes the trail we thought was open, in fact was completely closed. Often, it is our very selves who had shut the road but couldn't move a step forward to find an alternative path. Human nature can be so very cruel. We combat so much fear, doubt and anger every day. We mistrust and judge ourselves and our very nature so much that we cannot see what simply is. That recognition that we have chosen the more difficult path or the one that takes us longer is essential. Ownership of our own lives, trust in what lies ahead and faith in ourselves to carry us on is what must keep us going. 

These little acknowledgements and sidetracks are not depressive or negative. We all know that life can be difficult and we search for the light in the dark times, this is natural. We all reflect and we all look back in hindsight, these pinnacles help us to grow, mature and develop ourselves. In Shamanism and indeed many cultures and spiritual practices, sitting within the dark is considered a means to the end. Instead of searching out the light, you identify and acknowledge the darker aspects (the fear, anxiety, stress, personality traits, the difficult situations). By identifying and acknowledging, we can move past these grievances that have occurred by processing them in their pure and very raw states. I find that we are moving into an age where we focus so much on affirmation and ‘light and fluffy’ that this darker side is sometimes being swept under the carpet rather than acknowledged. 

None of us are perfect, life is a working progress and by embracing the cycle of both reflection and revelation (dark/light) we can become aware of our complete selves, not by detachment or enchantment but by simple raw honesty and acknowledgement. Know who you are. 

Life is never straight ahead, the choices we make may shape us but they can never truly break us. Don’t be afraid to make a decision with the expectation that it may not turn out as you hoped. Trust your gut, weigh up your options and never berate yourself for making an apparent ‘mistake’. These ‘mistakes’ are really golden nuggets in retrospect."

©Kris Barrett

Many heartfelt blessings xxxx