Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Tigress Dreaming

Tigers are renowned for representing sensuality, passion, darkness (night), devotion, confidence, courage, independence, healing, patience, being in the now and the new moon. She often symbolises the lower chakras, predominantly – solar, sacral and base/root. They can have a motherly, protective energy or can alternatively be quite aloof and cheeky. It depends on the individual. They make for very potent and intense Power Animals. 

I have not included the gorgeous mythical white tiger on principle. They aren't a sub-species and have been inter-bred in certain countries far too much for their rarity and uniqueness. They are indeed a result of irregular genes and as such should not be bred with each other. It causes horrendous mutations, dis-ease and health problems. The irregular genes should be left to appear whenever nature intends - not some human breeder or organisation aiming to 'boost' numbers. It is a natural process and I hate seeing it exploited for profits. This of course goes for all creatures who are born of this irregular colouring to their species. I agree that in the wild they may not survive but that does not give humans the permission to start breeding weaker genes with weaker genes - it will only cause pain and suffering as the gene pool gets lessened (as has already happened but not reported). It's absolute nonsense. 

Keep these amazing creatures in their pure form, not bred for irregularities as some sort of spectacle. Each individual is unique and beautiful in their own right. I really do wish humans would butt their heads out of natural processes. I admit that these animals need our protection and help as a result of deforestation, I just sorely wish that it was in the form of a giant national park where nature could still thrive. Nature is intelligent, adaptive and resourceful - if only we gave it a chance. 


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