Friday, 28 September 2012

Good Resource Book

Hello wonderful people! Just a really quick post regarding a book that I was referred to during my Shamanic Practice work. It's a wonderful read that opens the dialogue between Reiki and Shamanism. Depending on your view, it is a little basic in parts but it reveals the connection between two of my favourite and rewarding healing modalities. I recommend having a little read if you get the time! I've attached the direct link to Amazon below.

Have fun!!! Blessings xo

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Plant Dreaming Orientation

I have recently been doing more Plant Spirit Dreaming and I wanted to share a little of my knowledge. I started 'talking' to trees and plants when I was a child. But of course during adolescence our spiritual soul takes respite (lying dormant), allowing our hormones and physical growing to take shape sometimes until our mid 30's. This is when the door creaks open and we either choose to walk through and rediscover ourselves or take a different door altogether until later in life. Every plant species has a blueprint and every individual plant has a unique blueprint based on what is needed in the area it grows. Mother Earth and Father Sun are the best at understanding balance, everything has a place and purpose. There is a matter of factness about the way plants grow, mature, provide some nourishment or service and then demise. Plants teach us how to care for ourselves and the land, how to respect everything and the infinite balance of life. It is a beautiful, enriching and secure energy that sings to your core.      

This gorgeous tree and the 'strangler fig' I photographed in Port Macquarie, north of Sydney here in Oz.  The strangler fig sounds nasty and if the land is not in balance, it can be but it usually grows in necessity. It takes many years to completely destroy the host tree and what it provides (amongst others) in the process is an abundance of homes, nesting spots and food. 

Three particularly special trees to my heart are all native eucalyptus around my home area: the ironbark, stringybark and squiggly eucalyptus. I have 5 trees in my backyard, perhaps around the 15metre height. They are iron and stringy barks. Each of these have a beautiful canopy and a strong sense of earthiness (keeping me grounded and respectful of the land). I'm sure I'll be discussing them and even post some photo's in many posts to come! 

Dolphin Dreaming

Welcome souls! Today's dreaming is a personal inspiration. I am by nature a water lover and these creatures, along with the rulers of the sea, Whales, are my favourite watery teachers. Now I'm not going to profess to know or even try to write all the information we know about dolphins and their ability to heal us. These are a few selected pieces below when I did a Dreaming with these gorgeous creatures. 

Image source: 

When Dolphin leaps into our life we are being guided to look at our breathing, balance, community and birth. Dolphin is the wise teacher of breathing patterns, emotional release and creating a sense of complete renewal. Have you been breathing short, shallow breathes lately? When we enter the watery realm, we are immediately overtaken by current (ebb and flow). Breath deep; relax. Water is an essential tool for physical, mental and emotional cleansing. Dolphin encourages us to incorporate more water into our lives to achieve this cleansing. This can be going to the beach or simply relishing in a soothing bath or drinking more water. It is the ultimate cleanser. If we are already a water lover, perhaps it is time to change the current waters. Think or go somewhere new. The natural balance of life; play, the hunt, nurturing, communicating, business. Dolphin understands the demands of life and necessity of balance. Each dolphin and each dolphin community has unique communication sounds. We are being guided to reach out and find our own sound (our own voice), embrace who we are and find our place within a like-mided and nurturing community. Forget those who seek to pull you under the water and surge up into the air. The friends we seek are out there but the ocean is seemingly endless, so have faith that in time you will come across the perfect place for you. Reach for the sun but never completely beach yourself and always remember to have fun along the way!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Kookaburra Dreaming

Good morning beautiful souls! I am going to try and get at least one post done a week on either an animal/plant dreaming, crystal healing properties or oracle messages. That's the aim! Today we have the apt named 'laughing Kookaburra'.

Click on this YouTube link to hear the distinctive call:

Kookaburra flies across our path for several reasons. Their unique call, frequently heard at dawn and dusk as a way of establishing territory, engages us to interact and look at our playful side. In the most basic sense, sometimes we need to learn to laugh at ourselves, life in general and take everything within our stride. The difficult and painful situations in life can be made easier by a good laugh. It doesn't, by any means, take away the circumstance but it can help. The Kookaburra balances the quiet with this intense laughing call, there are times to heal with peace and quiet and times to heal with laughter and enjoyment. With this in mind, Kookaburra is a very efficient hunter, praying predominantly on small reptiles such as snakes and skinks/lizards. The characteristics of these are infused into Kookaburra Dreaming. Collectively there is an emphasis on healing, listening to those pesky daydreams and actually taking notice of what they are telling you. Our daydreams are often the gateway to our desires and the answer to the internal confusion that you feel. A quite Kookaburra is a gentle reminder that we are on the right path. A laughing Kookaburra is often that mental queue that alerts us to potential health problems that we aren't addressing. The healing qualities of Dreaming with these animals occurs not when every animal meanders past but when our attention is suddenly focused or drawn to the animals presence. 

Blessings xo

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Emu Dreaming

Hello beautiful souls! I'm sorry I'm more quiet than usual, I've just started a few courses and am extending my Shamanic Work so time is fleeting, as always! Now I should probably point out that although Shamanic work includes all living things from Earth, I am currently working with the animals/plants and environment here in Australia. So today's animal dreaming is brought to us by Emu!

Image source:

The Emu is a flightless bird who's message of endurance urges us to not give up. There is always something planned. The Great Spirit knows what life is about, how it can throw us out of balance when things go 'wrong' and through Emu's message, we are reassured that we have the ability to pull through and enjoy the rewards. We are encouraged to do this through nourishing our soul. Each of us has so much to share and so many aspects to our great Soul. Close your eyes. Take three long, deep breathes, feeling your stomach sink and young lungs push against your rib cage. Listen to what makes you heart sing; long walks through the park, dancing, playing the piano, laughing over a wine and good meal. Learn how to nourish your soul in all its glorious shades and embrace the dark and lighter sides. There is no 'evil' part to our soul except what we make of it. Emu has faith in your ability, but Emu knows when to rest from the searing desert sun, when to pick his battles, when to nurture his young. There is a time and a place for everything but we only make it through determination and perseverance. Balance, nurture and love yourself, the rest will fall into place. 

Blessings! xo

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Rose Quartz Spotlight

This week and indeed today particularly have been focused on Universal Love. And what better way to represent this concept than the gorgeous rose quartz!

Image source:

Rose Quartz has long been associated with love, relationships, marriage and of course romance! It is however also the perfect stone to bring about gentle healing, feelings of gratitude and harmony. The concept of Universal Love is having a certain inner peace and genuine love of life. There is an innate balance between what we consider 'bad' and 'negative' to what is ACTUALLY bad and negative for us. Often it is the reverse, the trying times and crappy circumstances have come about for a reason and that is something often only time will reveal to us. Rose quartz is the kind of nurturing energetic force that assists with this transition, allowing life to glide a little more freely and with loose expectations. You will find that people who have been through difficult circumstances often tend to either create order and routine for safety or they simply release and let life take them on the journey. Either way, rose quartz helps to release any fears and simply love what you already have and who you already are. At least attempt to anyway! The smallest little flower growing through a crack in a busy city can bring a warm smile into your day. For me personally, I have a whole box of rose quartz on the ready for Reiki Healings, my Script work and Shamanic Journeying. The energy is steady, gentle, loving and not unpredictable like many other crystals.

Hope you're all having a wonderful week!