Tuesday 25 September 2012

Dolphin Dreaming

Welcome souls! Today's dreaming is a personal inspiration. I am by nature a water lover and these creatures, along with the rulers of the sea, Whales, are my favourite watery teachers. Now I'm not going to profess to know or even try to write all the information we know about dolphins and their ability to heal us. These are a few selected pieces below when I did a Dreaming with these gorgeous creatures. 

Image source: http://www.welwitschiatravel.com/?p=46 

When Dolphin leaps into our life we are being guided to look at our breathing, balance, community and birth. Dolphin is the wise teacher of breathing patterns, emotional release and creating a sense of complete renewal. Have you been breathing short, shallow breathes lately? When we enter the watery realm, we are immediately overtaken by current (ebb and flow). Breath deep; relax. Water is an essential tool for physical, mental and emotional cleansing. Dolphin encourages us to incorporate more water into our lives to achieve this cleansing. This can be going to the beach or simply relishing in a soothing bath or drinking more water. It is the ultimate cleanser. If we are already a water lover, perhaps it is time to change the current waters. Think or go somewhere new. The natural balance of life; play, the hunt, nurturing, communicating, business. Dolphin understands the demands of life and necessity of balance. Each dolphin and each dolphin community has unique communication sounds. We are being guided to reach out and find our own sound (our own voice), embrace who we are and find our place within a like-mided and nurturing community. Forget those who seek to pull you under the water and surge up into the air. The friends we seek are out there but the ocean is seemingly endless, so have faith that in time you will come across the perfect place for you. Reach for the sun but never completely beach yourself and always remember to have fun along the way!

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