Tuesday 25 September 2012

Plant Dreaming Orientation

I have recently been doing more Plant Spirit Dreaming and I wanted to share a little of my knowledge. I started 'talking' to trees and plants when I was a child. But of course during adolescence our spiritual soul takes respite (lying dormant), allowing our hormones and physical growing to take shape sometimes until our mid 30's. This is when the door creaks open and we either choose to walk through and rediscover ourselves or take a different door altogether until later in life. Every plant species has a blueprint and every individual plant has a unique blueprint based on what is needed in the area it grows. Mother Earth and Father Sun are the best at understanding balance, everything has a place and purpose. There is a matter of factness about the way plants grow, mature, provide some nourishment or service and then demise. Plants teach us how to care for ourselves and the land, how to respect everything and the infinite balance of life. It is a beautiful, enriching and secure energy that sings to your core.      

This gorgeous tree and the 'strangler fig' I photographed in Port Macquarie, north of Sydney here in Oz.  The strangler fig sounds nasty and if the land is not in balance, it can be but it usually grows in necessity. It takes many years to completely destroy the host tree and what it provides (amongst others) in the process is an abundance of homes, nesting spots and food. 

Three particularly special trees to my heart are all native eucalyptus around my home area: the ironbark, stringybark and squiggly eucalyptus. I have 5 trees in my backyard, perhaps around the 15metre height. They are iron and stringy barks. Each of these have a beautiful canopy and a strong sense of earthiness (keeping me grounded and respectful of the land). I'm sure I'll be discussing them and even post some photo's in many posts to come! 

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