Thursday 13 September 2012

Emu Dreaming

Hello beautiful souls! I'm sorry I'm more quiet than usual, I've just started a few courses and am extending my Shamanic Work so time is fleeting, as always! Now I should probably point out that although Shamanic work includes all living things from Earth, I am currently working with the animals/plants and environment here in Australia. So today's animal dreaming is brought to us by Emu!

Image source:

The Emu is a flightless bird who's message of endurance urges us to not give up. There is always something planned. The Great Spirit knows what life is about, how it can throw us out of balance when things go 'wrong' and through Emu's message, we are reassured that we have the ability to pull through and enjoy the rewards. We are encouraged to do this through nourishing our soul. Each of us has so much to share and so many aspects to our great Soul. Close your eyes. Take three long, deep breathes, feeling your stomach sink and young lungs push against your rib cage. Listen to what makes you heart sing; long walks through the park, dancing, playing the piano, laughing over a wine and good meal. Learn how to nourish your soul in all its glorious shades and embrace the dark and lighter sides. There is no 'evil' part to our soul except what we make of it. Emu has faith in your ability, but Emu knows when to rest from the searing desert sun, when to pick his battles, when to nurture his young. There is a time and a place for everything but we only make it through determination and perseverance. Balance, nurture and love yourself, the rest will fall into place. 

Blessings! xo

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