Monday, 29 October 2012

Crystal of the Universe

This magnificent crystal that I want to share with you all goes by a few different names. My preference is 'dendritic opal'. It is also known as 'merlinite' and is often confused with 'mystic merlinite' (they are two different stones). The clear/white elements are quartz and the black tends to be psilomelane (a manganese oxide) or the dendritic inclusions (look like moss/tree branches). 

Image source:

I have quite a few personal experiences with this stone. I own this gorgeous pendant that I wear sparingly, I also now own a beautiful raw piece that I'm pretty sure the owner was unaware of what the stone actually was. Never have I felt the presence of such a strong crystal. It aids Shamanic practices and development, balance duality (bringing dark into light and visa versa without there being negative/positive), helps transformation of concepts outside the grasp of a rational mind, aids fear of change and is a VERY active stone. I have heard people warn against using this stone if you are not a practitioner or spiritually guided in some way. Whilst I have always disliked excluding people due to knowledge or practice, this stone does need a warning disclaimer on it. I mistakenly thought it a great idea to wear my stone to my FIRST ever Shamanic class - huge mistake! I literally went on some speed-of-light journey that to this day has me confused (I'm not sure where I actually went). It was intense and the images, sensations and information were too fast and too much. I felt so ill afterwards, I was physically sick. 

We have since worked very well together, especially with my Shamanic practice. But it takes control, understanding and dare I say, a fare bit of background knowledge. I will NEVER use this stone in Reiki or group meditations - unless fully comfortable with everyones awareness level. It is usually not a relaxing or healing stone, definitely more a spiritual growth stone. By no means exclude this stone from your collection, but use it wisely. 

Keep this all in mind when choosing a piece of this truly magical stone and feel free to share any encounters with this Crystal of the Universe!

Blessings xo

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Magpie Spirit

Recently the beautiful Australian Magpie has been wandering across my path. The photo below is a parent and chick (right). For those who are not familiar, these birds are notoriously protective during the Spring (now) and often swoop on anyone who is remotely near the tree they are nesting in. The incredibly unusual encounter I had was with a parent and chick like below. I volunteer garden at various different places. This one garden had a massive open backyard with some weeds off to one back corner. I was working here when I looked up and noticed a very quiet Magpie a metre from my face on the back fence, watching me. It scared me at first. I have heard the stories and been swooped myself but this bird seemed to be watching me with intense curiosity. So I continued and didn't worry about him, until he flew down and started picking the bugs up from my feet where I was disturbing the weeds. I was actually pretty unnerved by him being so close that I actually froze. He was gathering the bugs in his beak, presumably for his young. Next I heard was the squawking of the baby from what appeared to be just over the fence. I peered over the fence and this Magpie was feeding its tiny little baby in a nest on the ground less than a metre from me! It quickly jumped onto the fence and I backed away, yet it still didn't swoop at me. I was amazed. Completely stunned that this parent was so accepting and calm about my presence so close to its baby. The whole experience was truly remarkable and I feel quite honoured that I was allowed into their lives for an afternoon. 

Image source:

A brief Magpie Spirit meaning ~ Magpies are representative of sacred balance. If they appear in your life, they often herald a time of awareness, sense of purpose and confronting fears. They also represent the beginning of understanding the infinite balance between yourself, nature and the dualities of life; male/female, right/wrong, black/white etcetera. It quite often (like it did for me) turns your perceptions completely upside-down, causing you to reconsider the way we look at life, situations and people.  

Thank you Magpie!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Dingo Dreaming

Image source:

I have a lovely Dingo Dreaming story to share. When doing a recent nature spirit dreaming, I was visited by my guide for the Dream; Dingo. As soon as I closed my eyes, this gorgeous Dingo was there to take me to where I needed to go. We started inland Australia, in the desert. This Dingo took me specifically to a Boab tree (I'll mention that in a later post). Here I looked at this amazingly bottle-shaped tree and asked what exactly I was supposed to be learning from this tree. The Dingo showed me that the tree was sacred to native peoples and that I should walk around the tree, touching the bark and noticing all its features. He sat at the edge of what felt like an invisible circle around the tree, in the sand and just watched me. It was a very tactile dreaming. I remember the feel of the sand under my feet, the stones, the sharp grass along my legs as we walked and the strange bumpy but somewhat smooth texture of the Boab's bark. I felt the searing sun and the gentle coolness under the tree as I sat in the red sand and meditated during this Dreaming. Compared to other animal totems, the Dingo seemed to have a quirky humour and cheeky personality. He had a sense of purpose but never at the expense of a little play along the way. There was a distinct carefreeness and deep pride but not without a very laid back attitude. I got the sense that dozing during the hot sun under a Boab tree was a regular occurrence. He was not fussed by people and watched with a detached interest. They are known as tricksters but they are also cunning creatures with a mastery at finding food, water and shelter. Beautiful creatures to guide for any Dreaming or Spiritual journeys!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Black Swan Dreaming

Image source:´s%20Wallpaper/albums/showpic.dml?album=104346&picture=1419602

We have all heard the story of the Ugly Duckling who turned out to be a beautiful swan. When the vibrant Black Swan glides into our dreams we are being inspired to come out of our shell, revealing the beautiful person we truly are. The black swan represents grace, inner beauty, love, affection and emergence. We all feel like the ugly duckling at times but this is not one of them. Black Swan swims beside you, giving you encouragement to shed the abandonment, isolation and inadequacy blankets. You are perfect just as you are! These magnificent creatures hold their heads and partners with grace and ultimate love. They represent the blossoming of your true self, no matter what you see, bringing you into a wondrous place of peace and calm. They are also passionate creatures with a strong sense of family. If the black swan is one of your totems, you may be the kind of person who always puts your family first and never takes consideration of yourself. Black swan knows how to tread the line of personal care and family devotion. Simply ask for the black swan to remain present in your life, they are more than happy to help. Offering a token (seed/bread/fresh grass) to a swan may also be a way to embrace this creature into your life and give thanks for their guidance.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Mini Reading

Today's mini reading is brought to us by the gorgeous natural wonder of the waterfall. A waterfall is effortless, propelled by gravity and mother earth, the water plummets and flows around obstacles. As we stand at the top of a waterfall, we are faced with the end of our comfort zone. There are elements of our life that we aren't willing to face, change or take that leap. The key is not to make things appear effortless when they aren't. Ask for help, open the communication up with your partner and chat frankly. The key is to let things flow naturally, surrender the control to mother nature for a while, she is watching and guiding. There will be bumps and even complete direction changes, just as there are rocks within the waterfall but just flow around them. Now is not the time to stay firm and unyielding, it will only do you harm. Respect yourself, mother earth and those around you in the process of change. No one said it was easy but water flows only where it needs to. Blessings xo

Image source:,Japan_Wallpaper/

My Tawny Frogmouth Spirit Guide

This gorgeous photo came from Facebook, originally probably came from somewhere else. The link is below and is also featured on my Facebook page. It was accompanied by this beautiful quote that I really wanted to share with you all; “This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to bri
ghten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”

Yesterday I was at the airport in bustling Sydney saying good bye to one of the dearest people in my life. All the mixed emotions were overwhelming. When I arrived home I felt quite lost in my thoughts. As I was taking the recycling out at dusk, I looked up into the misty mountain rain and there my beautiful Animal Guide was, sitting perched on my washing line. I didn't feel so alone or sad knowing that she was around watching out for me. My dear friend should be landed in the wonderful USA and I'm wishing her all these and many many more well wishes for the road ahead. I can't wait to come visit! 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

My Siamese Fighting boys and the benefits of Rose Quartz

I thought I'd share my two boys with everyone. Buddha is no longer with me but he was a quirky boy, very protective of his bubbles and would have made a very good dad I'm sure. He was quite ill in his last months, a nice rose quartz in the corner of his tank used to be his resting spot when he wasn't feeling the best. Fish and animals in general LOVE the gentle qualities of rose quartz. Aurora hates the sun, Buddha used to chase it around his tank. Such small creatures but beautiful personalities. My kitten certainly loves having a fish around to watch and dream about!

This little man was called Buddha, passed away recently. 

This is young Aurora, still a little boy. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

'Purple Gem' Rhododendron Dreaming

I used a photograph I recently took and attached this beautiful Buddhist saying. Rhododendron leaves have been used extensively in naturopathy to help with arthritis, headaches, joint tenderness, anxiety, forgetfulness and the list goes on. They have also been made into various liquid essences. This plant loves to help, heal and wrap a loving embrace around you as well. They especially love to bring a smile to our face and light up the room when picked and placed inside. They bring joy, lift depression and help with imagination. You can't help but feel light and fuzzy when looking into these beautiful flowers! If using in distance healing such as Reiki, imagine the flowers bursting into life along the channel created and engulfing the recipient with lilac petals. It's a cold climate plant but well worth the trip to check out the massed blooms. Here in Australia, NSW (September-November peak periods) the best blooms are around the Great Divide around Orange, Bathurst, Katoomba, Lithgo etcetera.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

White Magnolia Spirit

I had to share this beautiful plant spirit guide of mine. I took this photo up in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Australia. I have a powerful affinity with this magnificent plant species. Magnolia's in general are a strong, regal plant but the white magnolia has a special place within my Moon Crew (Dragon, Wolf, Tawny Frogmouth, Scribbly Eucalyptus, Cherry blossom). 

Photo: Taken by myself in NSW

White Magnolia has a colourful history as a symbolic flower in many cultures. In essence the white magnolia represents love, nature, perseverance, body strength, nobility, purity, life-force and birth. Their life-cyle involves periods of absolute bare branches in winter followed by beautiful light green foliage and then flowers as seen above in spring. This cycle provides a key insight into its healing qualities. There are times to remain dormant and introvert (exploring the realms within), then times to remove the ice and unwanted shell to reveal new growth, coming into full flower. To connect with this plant is to connect with a deep sense of beauty, emphasis on releasing unwanted trauma's/pain/relationships, strong sense of purpose and affinity to healing, especially inflammation. The Chinese use the bark to resolve stagnation, phlegm, wheezing, sinus trouble and headaches. If you ever see a White Magnolia, go up to it and touch the leaves or flowers, you will feel their strength. And if you get the chance, sit beneath this beautiful plant and absorb the healing embrace.